What Should I Consider when Choosing a Children’s Electric Bike?

What Should I Consider when Choosing a Children’s Electric Bike?

What is your best childhood memory?

Is it your first day at school, bedtime stories, your first sleepover at a friend's house, or playing playground games with your friends from the neighborhood?

Or you don’t remember anything at all?

You are not alone. But we don’t want your child to lack something vivid that will stick with them for the rest of their lives.

So, do you have an adventure-hungry child?

Game consoles, tablets, and televisions limit children's time to experience great outdoor activities, which are essential for their development. How will you convince your child that bike riding is more fun than sitting in front of the screen?

Electric bikes are the answer! Your kid won’t need any persuasion to get on the wheels.

But do electric bikes for kids exist?

Of course, they do!

And do you know which one will be the best pick for your child?

Imagine you are enjoying your family bike ride. The last thing you’ll want to hear is your child wailing, " I can't do it! My legs are weary! It hurts!”

Choosing a kid's electric bike is not easy, especially if they are below 14 years. You have to manage their expectations, confidence, abilities, and fear and your concerns over safety and ease of use.

Here are the top factors to consider before buying children’s electric bikes!

1) Size and Weight Are Important

Imagine walking into a boutique you spot very nice shoes that you always see cool kids wearing. However, the shoes are too small for you. But you choose to buy them, hoping you’ll still be able to pull off that wondrous look you were always dreaming of.  

From a logical point of view, how long will you wear those shoes comfortably?

Close to never!

The same concept applies to electric bikes. An ebike of the wrong size can be useless like those undersized shoes!

Electric bikes' size is vital since it will provide greater comfort and stability when riding on different terrain.

But what does size entail?

According to International Bicycle Fund (IBF), kid’s bikes should be sized according to wheel diameter, which should correspond to your child’s height. Nevertheless, it would help to consider the bike’s frame size and seat height for comfort.

Remember, size is directly proportional to weight. A giant bike will weigh more and may be too heavy for your child to maneuver.

So, please don't buy a larger bike, thinking your child will grow into it. You will be doing your child more harm than good!

2) What are the Bike’s Salient Features?

We know all kids care about is color and the overall outward appearance.

But as an adult, are you ready to forego a good electric bike because it is not aesthetically pleasing?

Come on. You can do better than that!

These are the essential features for any kid's electric bike:

  • Efficient brake system
  • Long battery life
  • Speed limiting feature
  • Optimum weight, i.e., not too light nor too heavy
  • Inbuilt GPRS device for added security
  • Ideal handlebar width
  • Moderate motor output power
  • Safety features and bike accessories
  • Better pictorial front panel

Get your kid a high-quality bicycle and pimp it to revamp its outward appearance!

3) Be Aware of State Laws

Are children legally allowed to ride the chosen electric bike in your state?

Some areas only allow kids to ride class 1 bikes and prohibit them from riding class 2 and class 3 electric bikes.

Note that:

  • Class 1 bikes have a motor that provides pedaling assistance to riders up to 20 MPH.
  • Class 2 bikes have a throttle that provides pedaling assistance up to 20 MPH without requiring the rider to pedal.
  • Class 3 bikes have a motor that provides pedaling assistance to riders up to 28 MPH with or without throttle.

Therefore, before buying your child an electric bike, please confirm if your state:

  1. Has a minimum age requirement for operating a specific class of electric bikes
  2. Has traffic and helmet laws regarding electric bikes
  • Requires electric bike riders to have a license or registration to use an ebike

4) Is There a Warranty Included?

How much confidence does the bike company have in its products?

Buying an electric bike for kids is an investment. It would be best if you were assured that you buy something of good quality with no manufacturing defects. That's why you need a warranty.

Before buying your child an electric bike, check what the manufacturer offers regarding the warranty. Some parts like the motor and battery may have a limited warranty of up to two years, while the frame may get a lifetime warranty.

5) Does the Bike Assure Safety?

An electric bike is not a toy. Your child can easily get injured on them.

An excellent electric bike for kids should have a:

  • Chain guard
  • Non-toxic paint covering the frame
  • A well-fitting, high-quality helmet
  • Good-quality responsive brake system
  • Tail lights

Further, be cautious with how familiar your child is with riding an electric bike before allowing them to ride on the streets.

6) What’s Your Budget?

Electric bikes are available at a wide range of prices. At first glance, an untrained eye will not differentiate basic from top-tier. However, like any other purchase, you will always get something equivalent to your money.

Even though good electric bikes are expensive, they guarantee quality componentry, efficiency, and longevity. So, if you are willing to drop a few hundreds or thousands of dollars, you will get something worthwhile!

7) Does the Bike Have Any Review?

You can find more important information about the bike you want to bike in the review section rather than the product description section. However, one person's experience might not be like another person's.

So, how will you decipher the correct bike from reviews?

  • Don't buy an electric bike with no review.
  • Only go for kid's electric bikes with a 3-star rating and above
  • Check out common reviews described by different people for the same bike model. There is a good chance you'll experience the same.

8) Is the Bike Easy To Maintain?

Your kid has spotted several people enjoying ebike rides during the summer, and they get excited about them. You quickly jump to Google, do a little research, and voila! Your kid has their first electric bike from an online dealer!

Fast forward one month, and your kid's bike starts falling apart. Unfortunately, that specific model doesn’t have spare parts.

What now?

Electric bikes have been in the market for a long time. While more chic models are being invented, others are becoming extinct.

Bikes with modular components are the best because you can easily replace or upgrade faulty parts. Besides, consider purchasing the preferred bike from an established seller with a reputable history of customer support and a continuous supply of original spare parts.

Have we left out any significant factors that you should consider when choosing a children's electric bike?

Is your kid ready to start e-biking?

Please chat with us. We would love to know!

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